Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday Scribblings: Dance, You Tube and Me

So the prompt for this week's Sunday Scribblings is "Dance". At first I thought, "I got nothin". I used to love to dance but unfortunately these days, certain health concerns preclude my dancing, unless it's in a chair. I'll set a chair on fire with my moves I tell ya!

So dance, what about dance? I was hopping around on Entrecard this morning and I came across a blog that had the following clip on it and that was my aha! moment. I went over to my favorite, You Tube, and sure enough there was the same clip! If you've got some time to kill you must go over to You Tube and enter "funny wedding dance" into the search; there's some clips that are not to be believed!

Anyway, I chose these two clips because dance is all about being joyful, funny, happy, moving free and these two really did it for me. I hope you enjoy them too.

This first clip well, I do believe it's "The Routine" that Monica and Ross did together on Friends, isn't it?

Watch the following clip and tell me Shaq is not "Lord of the Dance".

This post was done as part of the Sunday Scribblings